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CeG Counselling and Psychotherapy

'Qualified therapist offering counselling and psychotherapy online and in-person appointments that work for you'

Other issues

It may be that you are looking for support with several issues, or want to know if I can help you with another specific issue or diagnosis not mentioned

I have experience in working with a broad range of issues and would be happy to talk with you about what is going on for you and how I can help

I need Urgent Help Now

If you feel that you need immediate help, please contact your General Practitioner GP and ask for an emergency appointment or call 111 out of hours. If you have a mental health crisis team, let them know that you require urgent help. If you need emergency medical help call 999 immediately.

Other Useful Contacts/Support Organisations

Here are some contact details for other organisations that may be able to offer other types of help/support:

Samaritans – Tel. 116 123 (Free 24 hours)

National Domestic Abuse Helpline – Tel. 0808 2000 247

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)

Addaction Lincoln – Tel. 08003047021

Victim Support Lincoln – Tel. 01522 542687 or 01522 511266

Men’s Advice Line – Tel. 0808 8010 327

You can also self-refer to the Archway Centre (NHS) Lincoln who can advise you of their services


The Archway Centre

Carlton Centre

Outer Circle Road


For referrals Tel: 0303 123 4000


Please note these details are given for your information only and are not provided as, or intended to be recommendations. Please ensure that you are satisfied yourself with the suitability of any service you may decide to use.

Please get in touch to book your
consultation appointment